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Release Trapped Emotions

Trapped emotions, much like invisible burdens, can weigh us down, often causing physical discomforts, chronic aches, and even disease. Understanding their impact can empower you to live a more balanced, emotionally healthy life.
Life is a swirl of emotions. Experiences incite feelings, some joyous, others distressing. An encounter, a significant event, or a challenging moment can trigger intense emotions. Sometimes, these emotions are so potent, they are too difficult to process completely. Instead, they become trapped or 'stuck' in our physical bodies, thus earning the term, 'trapped emotions'

How trapped emotions manifest

Identifying and releasing these trapped emotions isn’t always simple. They can hide, manifesting as physical pain and discomfort, anxiety, depression, or emotional uncertainty. These are signals your body uses to indicate something isn't right internally. 

Some clues that suggest you might be carrying trapped emotions include: 
Chronic physical pain without obvious cause
Feeling emotionally stuck or stagnant
Experiences of intense emotional reactions
Chronic fatigue or lowered immune system 
Trouble achieving goals
Repeating patterns

Where do trapped emotions stem from? 

The life events that move us deeply often become the root cause of trapped emotions. From early life traumas and adolescent heartaches to the struggles we undergo in adulthood—each can leave a lasting emotional echo. This leads to specific feelings getting entrenched in our body, stubbornly refusing to part. This, is the essence of the 'trapped emotions' concept. 

Trapped emotions can also be inherited from our ancestors or absorbed from people around us.


Much of what we believe to be personality or character defects are in fact, result of inherited energy. We are the by-product of what was lived by our family across generations, and we will be passing this legacy on to our kids if we don’t release it.


We absorb energy from every social interaction, even when that energy is not meant for us.

Without protection, we end up bringing home the emotions others felt toward us and their circumstances.


Emotions arise when good things happen, when bad things happen, and when nothing happens.

We repress many of them because we don't want to feel them, or show them.

How emotions become trapped

Emotions are generated in the body by our organs, they are felt and released if not quelled.

Once in a while, an emotion gets trapped. This may happen due to:
The presence of other trapped emotions in the body
The presence of other imbalances in the body
It's intensity, causing the body not to be able to process it - for example, a strong feeling of anger and hatred cause we just expose a betrayal or a deep feeling of grief caused by the loss of someone dear
Deny yourself the right to feel or show that emotion — maybe we hide tears after a breakup, or we mask bitterness from not having been promoted yet
Empathizing with circumstances that others are experiencing — because we experienced something similar in the past or we are afraid of experiencing that in the future
A trapped emotion is an emotion that was not fully processed and therefore, not released.

The process for inherited emotions is the same, except for the fact that those emotions got trapped in our ancestors' bodies and passed down through generations.

How trapped emotions impact you 

Emotions generate emotions, directly influencing our thoughts, actions, feelings about our situations, beliefs, and perceived capabilities

Trapped emotions often take shape as a mix of fear, anxiety, resentment, or feelings of despair and powerlessness. These emotions can intensify the simplest tasks, making them feel physically draining and unduly challenging.

In your daily life, trapped emotions can play a significant role in your physical health. Persistent aches, pains, or illnesses that don't seem to have an explanation from conventional medicine could indeed be a manifestation of deeply entrenched emotions. 

Another vital area where the influence of these emotions is palpable is in your mental wellbeing. Emotions that have been left unresolved can lead to a myriad of mental health issues. Anxiety, depression, and other mental health disturbances might be rooting from these unattended emotions. 

Trapped emotions also have a bearing on your interpersonal relationships. If you're carrying these emotional burdens within you, they can act as barriers preventing you from forming and maintaining healthy relationships. Being proactive in understanding and addressing these emotional issues can pave the way for personal growth. Furthermore, it can enhance your interactions with those around you, giving you a healthier, happier existence. 

Also trapped emotions can aggregate around your heart, forming a protective barrier (heart wall) or around your brain (brain wall), but are not automatically dispersed when the threat disperses. Over time, a heart wall can stymie your ability to interact with others or experience positive emotions, prosperity, and creativity. Similarly, a brain wall can precipitate confusion and block clear thought, affecting your productivity and overall performance. Accumulated emotions around other organs might hinder injury recovery. 

Trapped emotions can be released  

Have you ever considered the possibility of releasing your trapped emotions? It's possible, you know. Your body, with its astonishing intuitive process, is well equipped to recognize its emotional health and discern what needs to be let go. As such, your body functions as a highly intelligent system with a stress-detecting mechanism that, when fine-tuned, can identify tones of trapped emotions eager to be released. A fascinating process, wouldn't you agree? 

However, unlocking trapped emotions isn't a solo expedition. Since the human body presents a woven tapestry of complex emotional and physiological systems, it often necessitates the assistance of a seasoned expert – a certified practitioner. That's where I come in. 

As a proficient practitioner, I offer more than mere theoretical knowledge of the body's emotional mechanics. I have a robust understanding of the hidden emotional energies that can wreak havoc when left unchecked. This knowledge has equipped me to work closely with you, assisting your body in interpreting feelings, emotions, and stress signals. Together, we can facilitate the expression of these trapped emotions, aligning your emotional and physical health in the process. 

Once you begin to release trapped emotions, your body kickstarts its natural healing process, often ushering in emotional liberty and a surge in personal wellbeing. You might find yourself sensing a newfound vibrancy in your life – an invigorating sensation that you may have missed out on till now. Surely, balance, harmony, and energy flow sound appealing, don't they? 

So why procrastinate on this path to emotional freedom? Reach out to me, and take that much-needed stride towards transforming your emotional health. Embrace this chance to evolve, recuperate, and transform into the best possible version of yourself. After all, isn't the prospect quite exhilarating?
The Emotion Code® technique is not meant to replace any medical treatment but may release underlying imbalances and help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, discomforts may disappear.

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