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Correct Body Imbalances

Have you ever wondered why you feel out of sync, or why your health isn't where it should be? It could be due to underlying imbalances in your body that you're not aware of.
Our bodies can become imbalanced and partially or entirely unable to recover. The underlying causes often include trapped emotions, but can also be other types of imbalances such as nutritional deficiencies, structural abnormalities, thoughts, memories, as well as the energy of pathogens and toxins. By releasing these imbalances, we can create the right conditions to enable the body's innate self-healing abilities.

Body imbalances may show up as symptoms

Our body has a way of letting us know when something is awry. It communicates through changes in our thought and sleep patterns, our emotions, and physical symptoms like pain or discomfort. Unfortunately, we often overlook or ignore these signs. 

If this is the case, our body may increase the frequency or intensity of symptoms to further signal its distress. Consequently, we may suddenly find ourselves unwell. 

It is my personal belief that all illness stems from trapped emotions and energy imbalances. These imbalances can often undermine our ability to respond effectively to medical treatments. 

By clearing these imbalances, we enable the body’s innate self-healing abilities to take over.

Body imbalances can hinder your healing process

Many of our highs and lows are due to an subconscious reluctance in letting go of a problem or embracing healing. If your subconscious mind sees the benefits of maintaining a certain issue rather than resolving it, your attempts to overcome that issue will be in vain. 

First and foremost, resistance needs to be cleared for any progression to occur. 

One can develop an emotional allergy or intolerance to people, places, ideas, or even oneself, which is usually driven by prolonged or sudden stress. This stress may lead our minds to form a cause-and-effect relationship that isn't true and persistently act upon it.

Type of imbalances


One can develop a emotional allergy or intolerance to people, places, ideas, and even oneself, driven by long or sudden stress that may cause our minds to establish a cause-and-effect relationship that is not true and act upon it ever since.


Offensive energy normally arises from our relationship dynamics. It reflects what we feel and think about each other. We are more or less susceptible to this type of energy depending on the intensity of the relationship we have with the other.


This includes misalignments in body systems, soft tissues like organs and glands, skeleton, and also chakras and meridians. These are frequently caused by the presence of trapped emotions.


Pathogens imbalances can show up in the physical or energetic. The latter can be inherited from past generations and passed through future generations.


Disconnections between spirit and body may cause the communication between them not to flow. They usually occur due to trauma, an intense emotional event, or ongoing stress or abuse.


Reverberations occur when we keep on feeling the effects of an emotion, a memory, a craving, an illness, or a symptom long after it is gone.


Toxins can exist in their physical or energetic form. They can come from heavy metals, biological poisons, stress, nutrients, food, radiation, drugs, or environment. This can also be the result of dental issues.

Will, No Will To

A will or lack of will to do or have something experienced in the past may impact your actions today. Maybe you have the will to control others, to delay things, to prove something or someone wrong. Or maybe you lack the will to live, to change, or to win.


This could result from past events that you had difficulty processing or were unable to process at all. You may remember them or you may have repressed them. They are often followed by mental images from the same or associated events.


These are negative statements, perceived as truth by the subconscious mind, that may trigger behaviors, thought patterns and create a vicious cycle of negativity.


Past traumatic experiences can leave their mark and people who have experienced it may feel as if they continue living everything over and over again.


These are the energy of statements that you repeat about yourself and your relation to things and people around you until you believe it and act as if it was the truth.

Body imbalances can be corrected

You may wonder why the Body Code™ treatment might be right for you. Let me elucidate; it's about much more than just felt improvements – it's about initiating a proactive journey toward genuine well-being. With this system, imbalances that might be inhibiting your overall wellness are identified and corrected at the subconscious level. Whether it's emotional, physical, or biochemical, the Body Code™ can help release these blockages, promoting better health and well-being. 

What does this mean for you? As I guide you through this journey using the Body Code technique, you may start to notice some profound shifts within your body. You might discover new levels of energy, improved sleep quality, or even witness the dissipation of chronic pain. With each session comes a fresh opportunity for your body to naturally correct what might have previously been considered incorrigible. 

Now, I invite you to consider booking a session and experiencing the benefits of the Body Code™ treatment firsthand. As your certified practitioner, I will use this non-invasive technique to explore the depths of your subconscious, unlocking your body's potential for self-healing. The outcome? We're focusing on moving you towards better health and a happier, more balanced life. And remember, your first step begins with just one session. Get in touch – let's start your journey today.
The Body Code™ technique is not meant to replace any medical treatment but may release underlying imbalances and help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, discomforts may disappear.

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