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Trapped Emotions

Today's issues are rooted in emotions that we repressed in the past, whose energy is trapped in the body.

CorrectBody Imbalances

Unlock your body's natural self-healing capabilities by clearing and correcting energy imbalances.
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Limiting Beliefs

Unlock your potential and eliminate self-doubt by replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones.

Everything starts with a trapped emotion

Have you ever found yourself caught in a repetitive cycle of behavior, engaging in the same negative actions, habits, or relationships, no matter how much you wish to change? There's a explanation for it: emotional baggage. No, it's not just a buzzword from self-help books - it's a real, tangible entity.
Imagine emotional baggage as a compilation of unresolved feelings that infiltrate our bodies over time – imagine it as an invisible, emotional weight we carry. These unprocessed emotions substantially influence our daily activities, not just shaping our perspectives but also dictating our actions and potentially impacting our physical well-being. This underlying emotional turmoil often gives rise to persistent behavioral patterns, such as constant anger outbursts, self-criticism, or compulsive overeating, setting a stage for underperformance. 
Moreover, these buried emotions tend to foster dysfunctional relationships, hallmarked by a lack of trust, communication failures, and unreasonable expectations of others. Ultimately, they rob us of genuine joy, fueling a state of general discontent in our lives. 

The good news? It's never too late to start unpacking.

What can Energy Healing do for you?

Discover how energy healing can improve your well-being, relieve symptoms and give you more control over your life.

    Are you convinced that you'll never be able to earn more than you do today? Do you find it difficult to expand your business or attract new customers? Do you think it's too late to find the love of your life? Are you giving up on that relationship?


    Do you feel that the people around you drain your energy? Do you go into a work meeting feeling good and come out a wreck? Do you feel that your day is affected by the mood of the people you live with or deal with on a daily basis?

    Do you have to repeat an exam and your nerves are getting the better of you? Do you need to confront someone but you're overwhelmed by fear? Do you need to make a decision about a relationship or a job offer and can't make up your mind?


    We are often our own greatest enemy. We invest our time in a goal and sabotage its achievement. This can lead us to believe that it's not possible or that we're not capable, when in fact what we have are self-imposed limits that can be removed.
  • Disease Roots

    Sickness begins with a trapped emotion that throws the body out of balance. Uncover the underlying causes of your health disorder and resolve any imbalances that may be preventing your body from healing and responding to treatment.


    Some health problems are with us for so long that they end up being glued to our identity. This can cause our subconscious mind to think that the issue is helping us, protecting us from something, or providing secondary benefits, so it won't let go of it.
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The Many Branches of Trapped Energy

Emotions are the root cause for body imbalances and limiting beliefs. They can lower your overall vibrational frequency, shape chronic stress responses, fuel limiting beliefs, and foster negative internal chatter, leading to persistent, undesirable patterns, just to name a few.
How Trapped Emotions Impact Your Body, Mind, and Future

What if the emotions you haven’t processed are quietly shaping your health, your decisions, and even your future? It might sound surprising, but trapped emotions can have profound effects on every part of your life. When we experience deep emotions but don’t fully process them, they don’t just fade away. These emotions become trapped energy in the body, lingering in ways we can’t see but can certainly feel.

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Why Emotional Healing is the Missing Piece to True Recovery

Why do so many people find themselves relapsing or stuck in the same struggles, even after physical recovery? The answer lies in unresolved emotions. This post explores how trapped emotions impact your healing journey and why addressing them is the key to lasting transformation.

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What Comes to Mind When You Hear “Energy Healing”?

Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and unsure of how to move forward? I’ve been there. This is the story of how I found my way back from rock bottom—not through sheer willpower, but by discovering the life-changing power of releasing trapped emotions. If you’re searching for hope, this might be exactly what you need to hear.

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Have You Ever Felt Like You Hit Rock Bottom?

Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and unsure of how to move forward? I’ve been there. This is the story of how I found my way back from rock bottom—not through sheer willpower, but by discovering the life-changing power of releasing trapped emotions. If you’re searching for hope, this might be exactly what you need to hear.

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Check our on-demand master class and explore the concept of trapped emotions, body vibration and limiting beliefs to understand their impact on your mental and physical wellbeing.



People who have experienced the release of trapped energy are best positioned to attest to the outcomes.
Note: We respect the privacy of our customers. We ask for fake photos or photos where they are not easily identified.
Before, I felt swallowed up by my professional obligations, moving in circles of constant work without time for anything else. The friction with my boss added to the stress. Anxiety symptoms began to materialize, amplifying my feelings of powerlessness and unhappiness, holding me back from making a much needed change. Today, I feel free from anxiety and found the courage to embrace a new direction.

Filipa A.

I once battled with anxiety and depression. Despite numerous medications, the blues kept gripping me, making me feel worthless. The bouts interfered with my life regularly. However, things have changed dramatically. I feel lighter as if an intense pressure is relieved. I found a hidden resilience in myself and happiness, once a stranger, is now a steady companion.

Helen C.

My relationship with my daughter used to be quite challenging. Conversations often led to arguments, expressions of love were usually ignored or rejected. By addressing and letting go of our emotional baggage, we've managed to transform our relationship. Nowadays, our interactions are rooted in love, respect and support.

Maria G.

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